Update your Secure Device Connector

Use this procedure as a troubleshooting tool. Ordinarily, the SDC is updated automatically and you should not have to use this procedure. However, if the time configuration on the VM is incorrect, the SDC cannot establish a connection to AWS to receive the updates. This procedure will initiate an update of the SDC and should resolve errors due to time synchronization problems.


Step 1

Connect to your SDC. You can connect using SSH or use the console view in your VMware Hypervisor.)

Step 2

Log in to the SDC as the cdo user.

Step 3

Switch to the SDC user to update the SDC docker container:

 [cdo@sdc-vm ~]$ sudo su sdc
                [sudo] password for cdo: <type password for cdo user>
                [sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ 

Step 4

Upgrade the SDC toolkit:

[cdo@sdc-vm ~]$ /usr/local/cdo/toolkit/toolkit.sh upgradeToolkit
               [sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ 

Step 5

Upgrade the SDC:

[cdo@sdc-vm ~]$ /usr/local/cdo/toolkit/toolkit.sh upgradeSDC
               [sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ 

Recommended updates and maintenance on the SDC Virtual Machine

Ensure that you monitor and apply updates to the SDC VM running on Ubuntu Linux following your organisation's internal IT security and patch management policies. We highly recommend regularly reviewing and applying relevant security patches to ensure that the SDC VM remains secure and functions optimally within your network environment.