About Deploying Configuration Changes

This section assumes you are using CDO's GUI or editing the Device Configuration page, not using CDO's CLI interface or CLI macro interface, to make changes to an ASA configuration file.

Updating an ASA configuration is a two-step process.


Step 1

Make changes on CDO using one of these methods:

  • The CDO GUI

  • The device configuration on the Device Configuration page

Step 2

After you make your changes, return to the Inventory page and then Preview and Deploy... the change to the device.

What to do next

When CDO updates an ASA's running configuration with the one staged on CDO, or when it changes the configuration on CDO with the running configuration stored on the ASA, it attempts to change only the relevant lines of the configuration file if that aspect of the configuration can be managed by the CDO GUI. If the desired configuration change cannot be made using the CDO GUI, CDO attempts to overwrite the entire configuration file to make the change.

Here are two examples:

  • You can create or change a network object using the CDO GUI. If CDO needs to deploy that change to an ASA's configuration, it would overwrite the relevant lines of the running configuration file on the ASA when the change occurs.

  • You cannot create a new local ASA user using the CDO GUI but you can create one by editing the ASA's configuration on the Device Configuration page. If you add a user on the Device Configuration page, and you deploy that change to the ASA, CDO will try to save that change to the ASA's running configuration file by overwriting the entire running configuration file.