Site-To-Site VPN Dashboard
CDO provides a consolidated information about site-to-site VPN connections created in the tenant.
In the left pane, click Dashboard. The Site-to-Site VPN provides the information in the following widgets:
Sessions & Insights: Displays a bar graph representing Active VPN Tunnels and Idle VPN Tunnels, each in appropriate colors.
Issues: Shows the total number of tunnels detected with issues.
Pending Deploy: Shows the total number of tunnels with pending deployment.
By clicking on a value in the pie chart or any link in the widget, the site-to-site VPN listing page is displayed with a filter based on the selected value. For instance, in the VPN Tunnel Status widget, on clicking the Active VPN Tunnels, you will be directed to the site-to-site VPN listing page with the Active status filter applied, showing only the active tunnels.