Edit a REST API Macro

You can edit user-defined REST API macros but not system-defined macros. Editing a REST API macro changes it for all your FDM-managed devices. Macros are not specific to a particular device.


Step 1

In the navigation bar, click Inventory.

Step 2

Click the Devices tab to locate your device.

Step 3

Click the FTD tab.

Step 4

Select an FDM-managed device you want to manage using the REST API, and in Device Actions on the right, click API Tool.

Step 5

Select the user-defined macro you want to edit.

Step 6

Click the edit icon in the macro label.

Step 7

Edit the REST API macro in the Edit Macro dialog box.

Step 8

Click Save.

See Run a REST API Macro for instructions on how to run the REST API macro.