Generate an API Key and Secret

Generate a new API key and retrieve both the API Key and the corresponding Secret before you onboard an Umbrella organization to CDO.

If you do not currently have an API key, use the following procedure to create one:

Before you begin

The management API key from Umbrella is used for the following Umbrella services:

You cannot onboard an Umbrella organization without allowing CDO access to these services.


Step 1

Access the Cisco Umbrella dashboard and log into your organization.

Step 2

In the Umbrella dashboard, click Admin in the left navigation pane and select API Keys.

Step 3

Click Create API Key.

If you already have an API key but do not have the secret saved, navigate to the Admin > API Keysscreen and click Refresh to update the key and secret.

Step 4

To create a new API key and Secret, click the + button.

Step 5

Enter a Name and add the following scopes to the API key:

  • Deployments.

  • Policies.

Step 6

Click Generate Key.

Step 7

Copy the API Key and the corresponding Secret. We recommend temporarily pasting it into a note or .txt file until you are ready to use it.