Find VPN Peers with Encryption Key Issues

Use this approach to locate VPN Peers with encryption key issues such as:

  • IKEv1 or IKEv2 keys are invalid, missing, or mismatched

  • Obsolete or low encryption tunnels


Step 1

In the left pane, click VPN > ASA/FDM Site-to-Site VPN to open the VPN page.

Step 2

Select Table View.

Step 3

Open the Filter panel by clicking the filter icon .

Step 4

Select each device reporting an issue and look in the Peers pane at the right. The peer information will show you both peers.

Step 5

Click on View Peers for one of the devices.

Step 6

Double-click the device reporting the issue in the Diagram View.

Step 7

Click Key Exchange in the Tunnel Details panel at the bottom. You will be able to view both devices and diagnose the key issue from that point.