Error: Device Remains in Pending Setup State After Onboarding

When a device fails to register, the device's connectivity status is displayed as Pending Setup. In the panel located to the right, CDO displays a Registration Failed message as well as a Retry Onboarding button to immediately allow you to reattempt onboarding the device.

If you fail to execute the configuration manager command in the device CLI within 3 mins after onboarding it to CDO, the device's registration attempt expires and results in a registrationg failure. Use the following procedure to resolve the issue:


Step 1

Log into CDO and navigate to the Inventory page. Locate the device that failed to register.

Step 2

In the panel located to the right, locate the Registration Failed window. Beside the device's CLI registration key, click Copy. This actions copies the CLI key to a local clipboard.

Step 3

Open an SSH connection to the device and log in as admin.

Step 4

Paste the CLI registration key into the device's CLI interface. In the CLI, enter Y to complete the registration. If your device was previously managed by device manager, enter Yes to confirm the submission.