Configure URL Filtering

The system obtains the URL category and reputation database from Cisco Collective Security Intelligence (CSI). These preferences control database updates and how the system handles URLs with unknown category or reputation. You must enable the URL Filtering license to set these preferences.


You can configure URL Filtering Preferences if you do not have a URL Smart License, but you need the smart license to deploy. You will be blocked from deploying until you add a URL Smart License.


Step 1

Enable the applicable options:

  • Click the Enable Automatic Updates slider On to automatically check for and download updated URL data, which includes category and reputation information. After you deploy, the FDM-managed device checks for updates every 30 minutes.

  • Click the Query Cisco CSI for Unknown URLs slider to ON to check the Cisco CSI for updated information on URLs that do not have category and reputation data in the local URL filtering database.

  • URL Time to Live is only in effect if you enable the Query Cisco CSI for Unknown URLs option. This determines how long to cache the category and reputation lookup values for a given URL. When the time to live expires, the next attempted access of the URL results in a fresh category/reputation lookup. A shorter time results in more accurate URL filtering, a longer time results in better performance for unknown URLs. The default selection is Never.

Step 2

Click Save.

Step 3

Review and deploy the changes you made now, or wait and deploy multiple changes at once.