Onboard an FDM-Managed Device using the Device's Serial Number

This procedure is a simplified method of setting up and onboarding the FDM-managed devices to Security Cloud Control. All you need is the chassis serial number or PCA serial number of the device. You can apply a smart license or use a 90-day evaluation license when onboarding the device.

Ensure that you read through the use cases to understand the concepts before you perform the onboarding steps.


These methods of onboarding FDM-managed devices are only available for devices running version 6.7 or higher.

Use Cases

  • Onboarding a new factory-shipped FDM-managed device that is added to a network and reached from the Internet. The initial device setup wizard is not complete on the device.

  • Onboard a Configured FDM-Managed Device using the Device's Serial Number: Onboarding an already configured FDM-managed device or an upgraded device that is already added to a network and reached from the Internet. The initial device setup wizard is complete on the device.


If you want to use this method to onboard a device running on an older software version that is supported for your device, you need to perform a fresh installation (reimage) of the software on that device instead of an upgrade.