Intermittent or No Connectivity with SDC

The solution discussed in this section applies only to an on-premise Secure Device Connector (SDC).

Symptom: Intermittent or no connectivity with SDC.

Diagnosis: This problem may occur if the disk space is almost full (above 80%).

Perform the following steps to check the disk space usage.

  1. Open the console for your Secure Device Connector (SDC) VM.

  2. Log in with the username cdo.

  3. Enter the password created during the initial login.

  4. First, check the amount of free disk space by typing df -h to confirm that there is no free disk space available.

    You can confirm that the disk space was consumed by the Docker. The normal disk usage is expected to be under 2 Gigabytes.

  5. To see the disk usage of the Docker folder,

    execute sudo du -h /var/lib/docker | sort -h.

    You can see the disk space usage of the Docker folder.


If the disk space usage of the Docker folder is almost full, define the following in the docker config file:

  • Max-size: To force a log rotation once the current file reaches the maximum size.

  • Max-file: To delete excess rotated log files when the maximum limit it reached.

Perform the following:

  1. Execute sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json.

  2. Insert the following lines to the file.


    "log-driver": "json-file",

    "log-opts": {"max-size": "100m", "max-file": "5" }


  3. Press ESC and then type :wq! to write the changes and close the file.


    You can execute sudo cat /etc/docker/daemon.json to verify the changes made to the file.

  4. Execute sudo systemctl restart docker to restart the docker file.

    It will take a few minutes for the changes to take effect. You can execute sudo du -h /var/lib/docker | sort -h to see the updated disk usage of the docker folder.

  5. Execute df -h to verify that the free disk size has increased.

  6. Before your SDC status can change from Unreachable to Active, you must go to the Secure Connectors tab which you can navigate to from Administration > Integrations > Firewall Management Center and click Request Reconnect from the Actions menu.